Southern Maryland Decorative Painters
What should you bring to a Paint-in?

Here is our list of General Painting Supplies:
Sandpaper or Super Film
Pen or Pencil
Tracing Paper
Note Paper
Transfer Paper
Scotch Tape
Dry Palette Paper
Palette Knife
Wet Palette
Paper Towels
Water Basin
Old Toothbrush
We generally have refreshments but feel free to bring a bag lunch. The Charlotte Hall Library where we meet does not have food available in the immediate area.
Each instructor/leader provides project preparation instructions and a list of suggested painting supplies. The chapter takes no responsibility for errors in directions.
While it is desirable to paint on the recommended surface, members are allowed to provide surfaces of their own. Some members prefer to cut their own wood, and may request cutting instructions after they have signed up for the paint-in.
Members do not necessarily need to use the recommended paints. If you choose to change paints, please be aware that the instructor/leader may not have enough time to help you coordinate your paint colors or mix colors to match the recommended colors. The chapter does not have extra paints unless a palette is included in the cost of the paint-in.
Painters sometimes have certain brushes that they favor. If you have a particular type of brush that will provide the same desired results as the recommended brushes, please feel free to use it unless otherwise instructed by the teacher/leader.
Kits are assembled for some of the Paint-in projects; these must be ordered in advance. These kits generally include the surface, pattern and surface preparation. The paint may or may not be included. Sometimes the paint is shared by members during the paint-in for a small fee. Painting instructions are given on the day of the paint-in. If a pattern packet or painting book is going to be used, you will be notified when you sign up for the paint-in, or it may be included as part of the kit.
Unless otherwise specified, each individual painter is responsible for providing his or her own surface, paints, brushes and painting supplies.
For more information about upcoming seminars please contact